Course Registration

Here you can find information about how to register and add/drop courses.

Registration Process

The course registration process is different for different students:

  • Current Students consult with their advisor and register for courses online in the semester preceding the start of classes.
  • New Students register for courses with their advisor.
  • Special Students register for classes on a space-available basis, after degree-seeking students.

Dropping Courses

Sometimes students find themselves having difficulty in a course or courses. The student may be enrolled in a course that is too difficult, is taking too many difficult courses all at once, or may have gotten behind due to an illness, etc.

Please review the Academic Calendar for the course drop deadlines.


So long as any student is waitlisted for a course, no student may enroll in that course without instructor authorization, even if the enrollment has dropped below the cap. Instructors may authorize both waitlisted and non-waitlisted students to enroll above the enrollment cap or by waiving the prerequisite. These are separate authorizations; either one or both may be added by the instructor for a student.  See Course authorization and waitlist (for students) or Course authorization and waitlist (for faculty) for a Portal view.

  • If you are on a waitlist and the instructor authorizes you to enroll, you still need to go to the drop/add window in the Portal to actually enroll in the course. You will need to drop the course and then re-add it, or you may receive a prompt to change your status to enrolled.
  • If you are not on a waitlist and the instructor authorizes you to enroll, you still need to go to the drop/add window in the Portal to actually enroll in the course. You will need to add it.
  • If you no longer want to be on a waitlist, then please drop yourself.


If you have any questions, please email or stop by the Registrar’s Office during regular business hours.

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